Maintain your home: One thing you can do to keep it stunning
Most of us have watched those cruel home make-over shows at one time or another. You know the type, where a hyperactive bunch of designers and tradesman bombard their way into an ‘unsuspecting’ civilian’s home, with only an hour to complete a WOW transformation. The magic designer snatches up a few old cushions, whips up the rug, and hey presto, the whole house is a wonderful palace. Don’t we all wish that our tired houses could be awoken with such hasty and invigorating fervor?
# 1 Declutter
This step sounds so exhausting, but believe me, it’s worth it. Pick a room to start on, and attack it with a pair of rubber gloves and a bin bag. Poke into hiding spots you've forgotten about, delve into cupboards behind and under furniture. All the "stuff" you’ve been putting off forever, jump right in to the depths of all your clutter and let it go. Don’t be afraid to chuck out that gaudy yellow vase because you made it when you were six, if it’s sentimentally valuable, box it, be strict with yourself about what really is sentimental. Use ‘time since last used’ as your rule of thumb, if it’s been three years since you last used it, chances are its rubbish. Remember, start as you mean to go on- don’t sort piles into piles, if its rubbish throw it, if it’s not, put it away. Consider recycling any items you don’t need, charities are always looking for items they can sell.